Proflax Tummy Tastic
125g | 350g | 700g
Antibiotics, vaccines, medication, illness, stress or poor diet can knock your dog's gut out of balance causing digestive dysfunction; loose stools/constipation, sickness, gas and bloating. Your dog's gut is responsible for 70-80% of their immune system so when the gut is out of balance, their immune system suffers which can trigger allergies, sensitivities and inflammation. Gut health is critical to overall health and wellbeing.
Tummy Tastic is a power-packed powder formula that supports a healthy balanced digestive system. It reduces stomach discomfort and inflammation, aids the absorption of nutrients and bolsters immune function. In dogs with pancreas problems their good gut bacteria levels are found to be compromised and Tummy Tastic will help to restore these levels.
This blend is also ideal to use periodically as a preventative approach to keeping your dog’s gut healthy, balanced and strong. Consists of Slippery Elm, Fennel, Chamomile & Dandelion, active prebiotics from chicory root extract & yeasts and probiotics Enterococcus faecium & Bacillus subtilis. Includes natural clays to extract toxins from the gut walls. It has been found that dogs with yeast-related problems can benefit from taking probiotics alongside a fresh, natural diet and cleansing protocol. (Please phone Proflax for details).
Ideal for dogs who are susceptible to tummy troubles, after antibiotics, taking medication, vaccines or a stomach-related issue. It can help to restore bacteria levels in dogs with pancreas issues and keep the immune system strong and functioning well. It is recommended to be used either daily or periodically, depending on the level of support required, to maintain the health of the gut and digestive system. Add to raw, wet or dry food.
Feed according to your dogs needs, so either daily, every other day or periodically. We suggest a rest period of two weeks every three months if fed daily. Feeding amount in ml** per kg of dogs weight; Miniature dogs up to 5kg: 5ml (quarter of a scoop) Small dogs 5-10kg: 10ml (half a scoop) Medium dogs 10-25kg: 20ml (one scoop) Large dogs 25-40kg: 30ml (one and a half scoops) Giant dogs over 40kg: 40ml (two scoops)
**This product is in grams, however the added scoop in ml so weights have been adjusted to ml for feeding purposes. One 350g pot will last 34 days feeding 1 scoop every day. Suitable for all breeds. Not recommended for pregnant/nursing dogs or puppies under the age of 8 weeks old and not to be used if your dog is known to be allergic/reactive to any of the ingredients listed.
Proflax Tummy Tastic is considered safe to be taken as an integrative approach alongside medication, however, please consult your own vet for advice if at all concerned. Feed two hours either side of medication as Slippery Elm may affect absorption of certain types of prescribed medication.
Store in a cool, dark, moisture free place.