Herbacare Ears Itchy Ear Tonic - Herbal Dog Co.
Head shaking can mean itchy ears & wax build up cause irritation & even an unpleasant smell. While it is essential to consult your vet if your dog seems ill or in pain, keeping on top of your dogs ear hygiene can be done at home.
Herbal Dog Co’s Natural Itchy Ear Tonic drops contain maythen (wild mustard) oil as a natural lubricant as well as tea tree & wild rosemary essential oils. These ingredients have antifungal, antibacterial & antiseptic properties, carefully balanced to soothe itching & irritation. The oils work by eliminating dirt & help to sooth the ear’s natural sebum production. Natural Itchy Ear Tonic is safe for all breeds & sizes of dogs.
How to use:
Shake well. 1-2 small drops into the ear morning & evening. Massage the base of the ear for 20 seconds then let your dog shake their head to clear the liquid from the ear canal.
To use as support, apply 1-2 small drops to the ears 2-3 times each week. Always patch test before use. Discontinue use if ear becomes irritated. Always consult a vet if you think your dog is ill or in pain.
Smell, consistency & colour will change batch to batch. There is nothing to worry about if this one looks a little different to your last one or the one stood next to it. We only use natural, raw, fresh ingredients so they change smell & colour season to season & because we hand make everything in small batches in our workshop in England, very few bottles will be the same.
Maythen Oil (Wild Mustard), Rosemary Oil, Tea Tree Oil.
• No Palm Oil • No Chemicals • No Nasty Stuff •